Self-Care with Reiki

Woman practicing self Reiki transferring energy through palms, a kind of energy medicine.

Woman practicing self-care with Reiki transferring energy through palms, a kind of energy medicine.

I over-exert my body by taking two dance classes in one day. My hips are “killing” me. There’s a spot in my lower back with a sharp pain that just won’t go away and every step I take is tentative. This has been going on for hours.
I stretched, I used my Deep Blue cream, rubbed it in nice and deep from waistline to knees (everything hurt)! It’s a little better but that spot in my back just won’t go away. I don’t like to take pharmaceuticals (I haven’t even taken an aspirin in almost a year), but I’m really tempted.
As I sit down after dinner in my favorite chair “ouch” to relax and watch a movie, I think ” Maybe I should try a little Reiki.” I cup my hands, place one on the right hip and one on the pain spot in my lower back. I invite my Reiki guides, all Masters past, present and future, if appropriate, to help. I ask to be shown what is causing this chronic pain so that I can take action to correct it. I leave my hands there for a few moments then move the left hand down to the left hip as having it on my back is uncomfortable and not sustainable. “Ah, much better and natural.” I leave my hands there as I get involved in the movie. I don’t think much more about it.

As I get up to go to bed, I notice I am walking normally. The pain in my back has released. WOW! Thank you!

The next day…
I feel pretty good as I get up. A little hitch for the first couple steps then yes! No pain. A few hours later after spending (probably too much) time reading I notice I’m stiff when I go to take my shower. “Ugh!” I think, “it’s back”. “Now I’m going to need to do more Reiki!” Quickly (thankfully) comes the second thought…
“Wow, all I need to do is a little more Reiki! It’s free, it only takes a short time! What am I waiting for!” A few more minutes of Reiki and I feel so much better.
I forget sometimes what a blessing it is to know Reiki and how simple and effective it is to use. Daily self-care with Reiki can prevent and certainly resolve many of my little aches and pains.
To learn more about Reiki and how to practice for yourself, visit

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